You've heard of Devil's Tower, but have you heard of Devil's Gate? I hadn't either until I went on another one of those really long drives. Continuing past Casper, Bessemer Bend, and Independence Rock you eventually come to Devil's Gate.

There are actually four separate sites of interest here but I only really walked the one trail, so I will save the rest for another time. Devil's Gate is another historic site along the Oregon Trail, although it was too treacherous to travel through with wagons, families would often stop at this landmark to camp and explore the unique terrain.

The Mormon Trail also traveled this route but their travelers objected to the name Devil's Gate and opted for something more friendly like Heaven's Gate since it was one more landmark leading them to their "promised land".

The turn-off for this trail will sneak up on you on the highway so keep your eyes peeled! It's another good leg-stretch type of walk like Bessemer Bend. It's also a fairly barren landscape with no shade or picnic areas. It does, however, have great interpretive information on the history you're exploring. For picnic areas and more family fun, you just travel down the road a couple more miles to the Sun Ranch where you can take a more in-depth tour of the Mormon Trail experience.
Have you visited Devil's Gate? What would you name it? What types of road-side attractions make you stop and explore?
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