How is it already 2022?! As a few of you have noticed, I've been on a bit of a hiatus from the blog for several months now. I've had lots of new house projects. It's been more difficult to go on adventures. I have a few planned for this year so I promise more Wyoming content will be coming. It might just remain on a more infrequent basis until I find that work-house-life balance again. To tide you over here is one of the last hikes I did this summer with a new friend from Church. It's funny because the Bridle Trail is about 15 minutes from home and for the decade-plus that I've lived in and around Casper I hadn't found the time to go.

The Bridle Trail
The first thing I learned on this hike was that caffeine doesn't play well with a steep elevation change. There is no way to avoid it whether you follow the loop to the right or left. The first mile or so of this hike you will be climbing and your legs will be burning. Imagine that your heart is racing from your morning dose of caffeine plus the elevation gain, you'll probably end up losing your breakfast on the side of the mountain like I did. My friend was so ridiculously understanding, I'm sure it will be a trip we won't forget for a long time!

Once we got to the top of the steep part the trail began to level out so we could enjoy the unique natural features that make this hike so appealing.

First, there is a cave that looks as if it were worn into the mountain by the sheer force of the wind that's ever-present in this part of the state. Then there are these beautiful rock outcroppings that you could imagine to be the remnants of an ancient fortress. If you're not keeping an eye out you might just miss the old rusted out car trapped on the hillside half-covered in rock.
If you're carrying along a snack or picnic there is an enchanting place at about the halfway mark of the trail. The owners of this house have set up a fairy garden complete with places to sit and enjoy a short break.

Finally, we came to the real showstopper of this hike. You walk through a natural tunnel created by a crack in what is either two giant boulders or a piece of the mountain itself. Either way, it reminded me of that scene in the Lord of the Rings where Aragorn rides into the dark mountain passageway to claim the help of the dead army!

Until next time my friends! Happy Trails!