Happy Thursday everyone! This question is one that I think will explain a little bit better why and how gaps in content happen with travel blogs. When you're in such a specific niche sometimes it's difficult to come up with posts that not only you enjoy writing but others will enjoy reading. Then there is the added layer with a travel blog of how you gather your content adventures. So how often do I really travel as a travel blogger?
My travel schedule this last year picked up more in the spring as different State Parks and Historic Sites began to open. During the summer, I tried to visit one to two locations every weekend. This went incredibly well up until November when most tourist locations closed for their break between the long warm-weather tourist season and the Winter tourist season.
For me, that meant I had almost enough content to cover through the end of November but decided it would be best to take some rest and time for reflection in December until I started my holiday travels.

This is probably going to be my realistic travel set up for the foreseeable future. To that end, during my month of reflection, I began brainstorming ideas to fill the content gap. I can't wait to share those ideas with you. Then I stepped out on a real limb and asked for some much-needed critiques from a few peers in this field.
One thing they let me know, was that the website takes way too long to load. I am currently researching ways to fix this problem. I've already implemented a few changes in response to their other reviews and I would love to hear what you think!
Is there a way I can make the website more accessible to you? Is there any content that you would like me to make (maybe more "how-tos", packing lists, or travel itineraries)?
Thank you, as always for your amazing support!
Thank you, fellow adventurers! You can follow the lilmissbearpaw blog page on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter @lilmissbearpaw for sneak peeks into upcoming posts and my adventures. This will also be a great place to share your own adventures!